The Story Unfolds
The next act in the Sundance story: a new chapter for our community.
A brilliant showcase for the world.
“If you plant a root deep enough in the ground, what grows will inspire others to come.”

All the Mountain’s a Stage
It’s a place beloved and stewarded by untold generations—each individual with their own story of what makes Sundance so special, their own role in a greater epic. First, the land’s original Ute inhabitants caring for their ancestral lands, then the Stewart family homestead, followed by Robert Redford’s famed purchase—and determination that this place should be “developed a little, preserved a lot.” Sundance Resort then blossomed as a haven for the arts, a place to immerse in nature, a source of local pride and play.
After decades of caring for this land, developing it just enough to sustain it and serve the community while conserving vast swaths of it, Redford thoughtfully selected Sundance’s next stewards. He found a group of individuals who were ready to not only roll up their sleeves and dig in on needed maintenance and improvements—they willingly purchased thousands of acres of conserved land that could never be developed.
Sundance today is the culmination of all the caretaking and community that have brought it to this present moment—to its Act II curtain call.